Tuesday 27 March 2018

The Steps of Cake Making

The Steps of Cake Making

Step 1

Add 175g/6oz of softened butter and 175g/6oz caster sugar to a food mixer bowl and whisk with the beatersuntil pale and creamed. Then beat in 3 lightly beaten eggs a little at a time. Don’t add them too fast or the mixture may curdle. 

Step 2

Now sieve in 175g/6oz self raising flour and using a metal spoon gently fold it in. The mixture should be a dropping consistency. If it is too dry add a little water or milk and if too wet add a little more flour.

Step 3

Grease 2 x 20cm/8inch round loose bottom sandwich cake tins and line with greaseproof paper. Now divide the mixture between the tins and spread evenly. Put in a pre-heated oven at gas mark 5/190C (180C in a fan oven) and bake for about 20 minutes or until the cakes are risen and lightly golden. They should spring back when pushed with fingertips. Remove from the oven and allow to cool for a few minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Sandwich together with raspberry jam and dust the top with sieved icing sugar or caster sugar.


  • When beating in the eggs add a tbsp of flour also as this will prevent the mixture from separating and curdling.
  • Victoria sponge is made using the creaming method. Always use the same amount of fat, sugar and flour and half the amount of eggs (i.e 225g/8oz flour, sugar and butter = 4 eggs)


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